Ray Allen Memorial Award

Ray Allen, of the Kiwa­nis Club of Owen Sound, served as our Dis­trict Gov­er­nor dur­ing the Kiwa­nis year of 1969/1970.  PG Ray con­tin­ued his involve­ment in Kiwa­nis serv­ing as an Inter­na­tion­al Trustee for 4 years and as Kiwa­nis Inter­na­tion­al Vice Pres­i­dent 1985–1986.  PG Ray, served the Kiwa­nis Foun­da­tion of Cana­da as a direc­tor and as its’ secretary.

The Kiwa­nis Inter­na­tion­al mot­to dur­ing PG Ray year was “Get involved in com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice”.  The Major Empha­sis Pro­gram for his year was “Get involved by sig­nif­i­cant par­tic­i­pa­tion in Oper­a­tion Drug Alert/ODA.”  A very suc­cess­ful pro­gram involv­ing many clubs and com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tions PG Ray most mem­o­rable Kiwa­nis expe­ri­ence was in Ocho Rios. 

PG Ray not­ed, in the “Dra­ma of Kiwa­nis Ser­vice” book, sev­er­al Jamaican mem­bers said to him “Past Gov­er­nor Ray, do you remem­ber when you vis­it­ed our club and you said to us Big men will find lit­tle chal­lenge in small dreams ?   We believed you because we believe in Kiwa­nis.  We believe that we can pro­vide, through Kiwa­nis, a prac­ti­cal means to ren­der altru­is­tic ser­vice and build a bet­ter com­mu­ni­ty. Need­less to say that was my most mem­o­rable Kiwa­nis experience”

This award, named in his hon­our, rec­og­nizes out­stand­ing Kiwa­nis ser­vice by a Past Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nor in East Cana­da and the Caribbean District



French —–12-23-RAY-ALLEN-AWARD-2024-fillable-FRENCH-VERSION-IN-WORD‑2.pdf

Recip­i­ents of the Ray Allen Memo­r­i­al Award

Year Recip­i­ent Divi­sion Club
1999 David Loc­head Divi­sion 13 Ottawa Valley Man­otick
2000 Chuck McIl­ravey Divi­sion 9 Maple Leaf East York
2001 Dist. Lt. Gov. Roy Davis Divi­sion 22
2002 Hazel Bran­don Divi­sion 26 Trade Winds Para­mari­bo Cental
2003 Stu­art McCormack Divi­sion 9 Maple Leaf Scar­bor­ough
2004 Lèo Provencher Divi­sion 1 North­ern Lights Noran­da
2005 John Turpin Divi­sion 16 Alouette
2006 Humprey Tay­lor Divi­sion 24 Jamaica St. Mary
2007 Ken Han­son Divi­sion 9 Maple Leaf  Casa Loma, Toronto
2008 Dist. Lt. Gov. Jim Steele Divi­sion 5 Black Walnut Brant­ford
2009 Ralph Porter Divi­sion 11 Loyalist Belleville
2010 Joanne Mur­ray Divi­sion 5 Black Walnut Brant­ford
2011 Navar­ra Dennis Divi­sion 24 Jamaica St. Mary
2012 Jay McLaren Divi­sion 13 Ottawa Valley Pem­broke
2013 Sheila Don­ald Divi­sion 3 St. Clair Bluewater Sar­nia-Lambton Gold­en K
2014 Llewe­lyn Allan Divi­sion 23 East- Sur­ry South North St. Andrew
2015 Dist. Lt. Gov. Bob Bogardis Divi­sion 8 Huronia Bar­rie
2016 Mar­jorie Buck Divi­sion 11 Loyalist Belleville
2017 William Ree­son Divi­sion 23 Jamaica Kingston
2018 Gary Levine Divi­sion 8 Huronia Owen Sound
2019 Rick Brooks Divi­sion 10 Pine Ridge Oshawa
2020 Serge Viau Divi­sion 2 Lakeshore Sault Ste. Marie
2021 Edwin Thomp­son Divi­sion 22 Sun­shine
2022 Sheila Moore Divi­sion 5 Black Wal­nut


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