Our history as a committee began in the Kiwanis year 1984/85, but the position of Lieutenant Governor have been in existence far longer. These dedicated members were the major link between the clubs and our District Executive Officers and later staff.
In the 1987 By-Laws of the District in Article VII- Standing Committees we were one (1) of the twenty-one (21) committees. The description of committee read:
“The Committee of Past Lieutenant Governors shall be composed of Past Lieutenant Governors of this District who are still active members of clubs within the District and who have signified their intention in writing to be members of this Committee and have paid the dues prescribed by the Committee and approved by the District Board of Trustees. A quorum shall consist of at least twenty (20) members of the Committee. The Governor shall appoint the Chairperson of the Committee. The Committee may appoint other officers as required. The Committee may adopt By-Laws to regulate its meeting and activities but such By-laws do not take effect until approved by the District Board of Trustees. Each Division of the District may appoint three (3) Past Lieutenant Governors, who are members of the Committee, duly elected at a Division Council, who shall have the privilege and right of voting as delegates-at-large at District Conventions.”
Reference to this committee continued in the District Policies and Procedures under the standing committees with the majority of the years having the statement: ” The Past Lieutenant Governors Committee is recognized by the EC&C District as an advisory committee to the Governor and the District. The Committee shall be governed by its by-law which is available as a separate document.
The wording, however, in the October 2019, Policies and Procedures changed as it was recognized that a committee of the District may not have its own by-law. Although the District Policies and Procedures were amended, the wording in the District By-law remained the same in Article V. Section 2 b.: “Past Lieutenant Governors: This committee shall be composed of all Past Lieutenant Governors. The committee shall select a chair annually from among its members. Its duties shall be to study and advise on matters referred to it by the District Board. It is also responsible to organize and fund the First Timers reception at each District convention.” The By-law dated October 1, 2020 reflects a minor change in the wording, amending First Timers reception to read First Timers event.