
Our his­to­ry as a com­mit­tee began in the Kiwa­nis year 1984/85, but the posi­tion of Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nor have been in exis­tence far longer. These ded­i­cat­ed mem­bers were the major link between the clubs and our Dis­trict Exec­u­tive Offi­cers and lat­er staff.

In the 1987 By-Laws of the Dis­trict in Arti­cle VII- Stand­ing Com­mit­tees we were one (1) of the twen­ty-one (21) com­mit­tees.  The descrip­tion of com­mit­tee read:

“The Com­mit­tee of Past Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nors shall be com­posed of Past Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nors of this Dis­trict who are still active mem­bers of clubs with­in the Dis­trict and who have sig­ni­fied their inten­tion in writ­ing to be mem­bers of this Com­mit­tee and have paid the dues pre­scribed by the Com­mit­tee and approved by the Dis­trict Board of Trustees.  A quo­rum shall con­sist of at least twen­ty (20) mem­bers of the Com­mit­tee.  The Gov­er­nor shall appoint the Chair­per­son of the Com­mit­tee.  The Com­mit­tee may appoint oth­er offi­cers as required.  The Com­mit­tee may adopt By-Laws to reg­u­late its meet­ing and activ­i­ties but such By-laws do not take effect until approved by the Dis­trict Board of Trustees.  Each Divi­sion of the Dis­trict may appoint three (3) Past Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nors, who are mem­bers of the Com­mit­tee, duly elect­ed at a Divi­sion Coun­cil, who shall have the priv­i­lege and right of vot­ing as del­e­gates-at-large at Dis­trict Conventions.”

Ref­er­ence to this com­mit­tee con­tin­ued in the Dis­trict Poli­cies and Pro­ce­dures under the stand­ing com­mit­tees with the major­i­ty of the years hav­ing the state­ment:  ” The Past Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nors Com­mit­tee is rec­og­nized by the EC&C Dis­trict as an advi­so­ry com­mit­tee to the Gov­er­nor and the Dis­trict.  The Com­mit­tee shall be gov­erned by its by-law which is avail­able as a sep­a­rate document. 

The word­ing, how­ev­er, in the Octo­ber 2019, Poli­cies and Pro­ce­dures changed as it was rec­og­nized that a com­mit­tee of the Dis­trict may not have its own by-law. Although the Dis­trict Poli­cies and Pro­ce­dures were amend­ed, the word­ing in the Dis­trict By-law remained the same in Arti­cle V. Sec­tion 2 b.: “Past Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nors: This com­mit­tee shall be com­posed of all Past Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nors.  The com­mit­tee shall select a chair annu­al­ly from among its mem­bers.  Its duties shall be to study and advise on mat­ters referred to it by the Dis­trict Board.  It is also respon­si­ble to orga­nize and fund the First Timers recep­tion at each Dis­trict con­ven­tion.”  The By-law dat­ed Octo­ber 1, 2020 reflects a minor change in the word­ing, amend­ing First Timers recep­tion to read First Timers event.