Class of 2015-2016

Class of 2015–2016

Gov­er­nor Allen Ure (2015–2016) and his class of Lieu­tenant Governors

Lieu­tenant Governors:

Annie Bras­sard, LucBris­son, Peter Char­bon­neau, Ron Collins, Agni­ta Fran­cis, Deb­o­rah Knight,  Rose­lyn Leon, Den­nis Mar­guer­att, George McPhee, Sheila Moore, Ines Morhi­no, Mac Plaunt, Alfred Poiti­er, Fred­er­ick Rose-Elie,  Michael Shirlaw, Mar­tin Tay­lor, Cathy Telford, Luke Thomas-Short­er, John Trend, Natal­ie Voyer
