
Wel­come to our new PLG Web­site. The aim of the exec­u­tive of the PLG Com­mit­tee is to pro­vide to our Dis­trict PLG’s a web­site that is both infor­ma­tive and enter­tain­ing.  The goal is to pro­vide you with cur­rent infor­ma­tion as it relates to you our mem­ber and to give you a glance at the past to see where we came from. 

As the old say­ing goes: how do you know where you are going, if you do not know where you came from. The old web­site was tired and very lim­it­ed in its’ capa­bil­i­ties.  We hope that you enjoy this new site and will pro­vide us with feed­back, infor­ma­tion to add to the site includ­ing reports from your Divi­sion PLG Com­mit­tee and pho­tographs of events/programs relat­ing to your PLG Commitee.