Class of 1999 2000

Class of 1999 2000

Gov­er­nor Elke McCum­ber (1999–2000) and her class of Lieu­tenant Governors.


Lieu­tenants Governors:

Antho­ny Allens, Vince Audib­ert, Ash­ley Beck­ford, Bob Bog­a­rdis, Rick Brooks, Claude Davi­das, Doug Demers, Ron Far­row, Len Frost, Carl Fur­ta­do, Murchi­son Jar­rette, Jim Lawrence, Grace Lee, John Luft, Bob McCh­es­ney, Stu­art McCor­ma­ck, George McPhee, Bill Mor­ton, Pierre Andre Philib­ert, Andy Quinn, Made­lane Rei­dy, Ellen Stephan, Humphrey Tay­lor, Ken Thomas, Car­ol Trem­blay, Bob Watt, Ron Wing
