Class of 2016-2017

Class of 2016–2017

Gov­er­nor Phil Rossy (2016–2017) and his class of Lieu­tenant Governors

Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nors: Richard Austen, Maryse Bertin, Mark Brew­er, Luc Bris­sion, Allan Causwell, Louis Cay­ou­ette, Peter Char­boneau, Ron Collins, Gis­gard Fel­i­da, Eric Gonneau, Jen­nifer Hink­son, Eileen Hoop­er-Don­ald­son, Deb­o­rah Knight, Mario Lacombe, Chris Mayne, Bri­an Mitchell, Chris­tine Mor­gan, Ron Robin­son, Kennedy Saun­ders, John Trend, Ralph Tweed­ie, Gary VanKooten, Ben­jamin Whyte, Heather Wyatt
